Realise your dream Job / Career now...!
Make your ideal job and career a reality with a professional, experienced & reputable Career Results Coach
''...Honesty and Integrity are key values in Civil Service, Public Sector and Private Sector job application / recruitment & selection processes. I and you ensure that the information provided is an accurate reflection of your skills, competencies and experiences. Therefore, we do not use any On-Line Systems, Software or Artificial Intelligence to prepare / enhance your job application and / or interview; they and you will be authentic through and through...''

Ger Colleran (Career Results Coach)
Meet your Career Coach
Ger Colleran
Ger Colleran, your trusted Career Coach, will privately and confidentially help you realise your ideal, realistic job/career and give you all the support, guidance and help you need to make it a reality. Through tailored approaches, he will help you stand out from your competitors to submit the best application, secure that interview, nail that presentation and land that job, and build a career in your area of interest and expertise. Let Ger unpack and repurpose your skills, competencies, strengths, talents and abilities verbally and in writing, so that you can say, ‘…I love my job…!’, because you deserve to.
Click the Link Below for a Personal Welcome from Ger...
Tailored approaches for your career development, planning and management
Have you ever been envious of people in jobs that they love doing...?
You probably have...!
Well, I help people apply for and get those jobs...!
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Competency-based Application Forms

Competency-based Interviews

Executive Coaching for Your Leaders & Managers

Presentation Skills Intensive

Communication Skills Mastery

Psychometric Testing & Assessment

Psychometric Assessment

Interview Presentation

One-way Recorded Video Interviews
‘'...Hi Ger, I wasn’t able to take you up on the planned mock interview and preparation chat as I got invited to interview and had the interview all in less than week. All happened quite quickly and a bit stressful with the limited time. But in saying all that I’m absolutely delighted to say that I was successful in the interview and got offered the job! Thank you so much for your help, guidance and support. I was able to apply a lot of the broader general aspects of the competency’s to my specific answers. All helping me feel more confident on the day and having lots to say on the various aspects and questions asked! Thanks again...''
''...All done Ger, It was a tough full hour. Nothing that I couldn't answer, but some tricky bits too. Overall, I am happy; I guess it depends on my competition. Thanks for all you help...''
''...Hi Ger, Got e-mail today, confirming that I came first on The Panel, so will be offered the post. Thank you again so much for your help and for building my confidence. I will be highly recommending you...''
''...Hi Ger, I hope you are keeping well. Attached are questions from the interview last week - apologies I had intended to send them earlier. I also just heard back from public jobs and I'm 3rd on the panel - while disappointed I know it's a brilliant achievement and I certainly wouldn't have achieved it without your invaluable advice. Thanks again for everything, I have highly recommended you to others! Very best wishes...''
Sorcha (Clinical Nurse Manager II (CNM II) - St. James's Hospital (HSE), Dublin - February 2025)
Diane (Regional Manager - Tusla - February 2025)
Michele (Senior Executive Planner - Northern and Western Regional Assembly - January 2025)