
Selling yourself on paper…!

Annie Lankford talks about selling yourself on paper so as to secure job interviews in the future, below are some brief extracts from her thoughts. There are 3 common types of cover letters: 1-2 body paragraphs Match desired skills/experiences listed in the job/position description Use key words Expand on your resume What skills did you […]

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What is a psychometric test and how do they work?

A psychometric test, also known as an Aptitude Test, is a common part of many modern-day interviews and assessments. Psychometric tests take many forms and are an umbrella term for any assessment that tests one\’s cognitive ability or personality. They are now more commonly administered online and will consist of a series of questions whereby […]

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Benefits of Business Networking & Tips for Networking Success…

How important is networking to small businesses? Ask a small service business where they get most of their customers, and they are likely to indicate some form of word of mouth marketing. Networking is equally important for career success for people who are employees.  According to a 2016 Report by LinkedIn, 85 percent of all […]

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Time Management Techniques…

(November 2019) Dan McCarthy tells us that time management is really all about managing yourself. You can\’t really “manage” time because there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute—and that never changes. However, you can control where and how you spend your time and take action […]

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Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD)

AHEAD is the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability and is an independent non-profit organisation working to promote full access to and participation in further and higher education for students/people with disabilities and to enhance their employment prospects. AHEAD provides information to students and graduates with disabilities, teachers, guidance counsellors and parents on disability […]

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How to support staff who are returning to work after a long career break…

[av_textblock size=\’\’ font_color=\’\’ color=\’\’ av-medium-font-size=\’\’ av-small-font-size=\’\’ av-mini-font-size=\’\’ av_uid=\’av-k05g055h\’ custom_class=\’\’ admin_preview_bg=\’\’] Last month, August 2019, Richard Holmes and Paul Kelly examined the challenges of returning to work after a career break and outlined how employers can support their staff when they return to work after a career break for whatever reason. (Richard Holmes is a Director […]

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Further Education – Sources of Information and Courses

When it comes to searching for and researching further education course options in Ireland, there is no shortage of information, especially On-Line. Every part-time, full-time, classroom, On-Line, blended-learning course is there for you to read about and understand. There are three main On-Line websites that contain any course that you may be looking for; you […]

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Presenting a Presentation as Part of an Interview

Many organizations are now requesting candidates to prepare a short presentation as part of the interview process. These presentations can occur any time during the interview process i.e. first, second or indeed third interview and are usually 10-15 minutes in duration. The topic to present upon at the interview is usually chosen by the interview […]

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How to Handle Being Made Redundant…

Losing one’s job is not a pleasant experience when it is compulsory, even if you do receive a generous redundancy package and benefits. After working in the organization for all of that time, given what you believe to be your best and then to be told through no fault of your own that you must […]

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Putting yourself on paper…

There are seven ways of putting yourself on paper so as to impress interviewers who read about you and then want to speak/meet you for a general interview and/or a competency-based interview through a telephone interview, Skype interview or a face-to-face interview. These seven ways are: General Curriculum Vitae Tailored Curriculum Vitae Tailored Cover Letter […]

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