Executive Coaching for Your Leaders & Managers
Our world-class, tailored, hands-on coaching frameworks help the leaders and managers in your business to develop their innate talents, skills and competencies in the disciplines of Leadership & Management, so they naturally lead & manage people with ease within your organisation.
Would you like your leaders / managers to?
- Think, act and look like ‘role model’ Leaders and Managers
- Do what a Leader / Manager does
- Be more confident and assertive
- Thrive in their career / profession
- Speak with impact, authority and clarity
Our tailored, hands-on and actionable executive coaching for leaders and managers achieves the above and more, and is delivered One-on-One In-Person and / or On-Line by our expert Results Coach Ger Colleran.
Contact us by booking a Chemistry Call here - Chemistry Call
We offer Three Options for you to choose from to suit your business Leaders and Managers:
Package 1
Speaking from a Platform
(...Tailored tools, techniques and tips on how to write & deliver great presentations...)
Learn the behaviors of the most outstanding speakers, influencers and motivators in the world, integrated into the unconscious level, automatically using them in any communication environment without conscious effort or thought.
The tools and techniques learned will enhance your powers of persuasion, mastery of language and content to create instant rapport, enabling you to expand your personal and professional influence and help you grow as a person, in your career and in your business beyond your wildest imagination.
Deliver your message to leverage your influence and therefore your business results.
Learn and develop:
- Power and confidence of an excellent communicator and public speaker
- Instant and unconscious rapport with audiences from one to 12 to 12, 000 people
- How to inspire your audience
- Cutting-edge psychological platform techniques
- How to present to all learning style types
- Impactful seminars and training courses
- How to sell any product or service from a platform
- The skills to handle questions and hecklers
- How to enjoy and look forward to your speaking events / occasions
Package 2
Speaking to the Buyer
(...Passionately and enthusiastically influence, persuade and encourage your customers / clients to do what you want them to do...)
Learn cutting edge techniques how to influence and persuade buyers and purchasers of your products and services to buy and purchase from / agree with you through language, tonality and physiology. Whether it is one to one or a large group, you will inspire and motivate people to invest in your product, service, idea immediately and be completely entranced by your techniques. Embody the leadership techniques of the world’s best negotiators, influencers and persuaders utilising professional, proven strategies that will achieve spectacular results.
Learn and develop:
- How to eliminate the thoughts and patterns, even the ones you didn’t know you had that have prevented you from fulfilling your goals
- How to build and maintain relationships with existing customers / clients
- How to develop and build relationships with new customers / clients
- How to install the mindset and strategies of the most successful marketing people of the world realising spectacular results
- Communication skills that will have your customers / clients say ‘Yes’ more often as you speak to them in a new persuasive, influential language
- Techniques that will develop you professionally surpassing your own expectations making you the envy of your colleagues / competitors
Package 3
Speaking to your Team
(...Effective leadership skills & techniques that motivate and inspire your team that are authentic and natural to you...)
Learn how to become a charismatic Leader and develop qualities of courage, responsibility, conviction, commitment and passion. Experience how you will be able to have the power to face any challenge and stand up in the face of adversity and on a level that you never thought possible. Come face to face with the true powerful leader that you are and can improve through powerful speaking and influencing techniques used by the world’s greatest leaders and influencers.
The true richness of your personal and professional relationships will be enhanced as you discover old patterns of limitation and replace them with new ways of embracing your true strength and power that you already possess.
Learn and develop:
- How you can become a charismatic, magnetic and influential leader
- How to realise your personal visions, beliefs and desires for your career and business
- How to create and enhance the effectiveness, morale and loyalty of your team and have them all achieving any goal or desire that you wish for you, for them, for the team and the organisation
- How to identify limiting beliefs on bahavior in yourself and others and replace them with new behaviors that drive you and them forward
- Negotiating processes for your career and business so that all parties get what they want
- Skills to eliminate fears and doubts about your ability to lead people and manage people
- Powerful content and teachings through processes and simulations
Why Executive Coaching with Talent Fusion?
- Developing your leaders / managers will positively impact the skills of your key employees, their teams, clients, work colleagues and personal relationships.
- Our unique and tailored coaching framework understands the leaders / managers concerns and challenges around leading and managing people.
- We give your leaders / managers the tools and techniques to help them get the best out of themselves and the people they work with, both internally and externally to their organisation.
What will it look like for You & Ger to work together:
- Private and confidential 1 : 1 meetings (In-Person and/or On-Line)
- Up to 5 (or more if necessary) meetings of 2-2.5 hours each approx., over 4 – 6 weeks
- Up to 3 follow-up monthly meetings
- Specific leadership and / or management challenges analyzed, discussed and addressed
- A hands-on, realistic approach, where Ger puts himself in your shoes
Prices of Packages
- Please contact us here for a tailored Proposal - Contact Us
Some of our Clients include:
We have worked with many private sector and public sector organisations and their key leaders and managers in Ireland, who have witnessed at first-hand the short- and long-term benefits of Coaching including:
- Boston Scientific
- TE Creganna Medical
- Nordson Medical
- Contech
- Aviva
- Irish Life
- Standard Life
- Surmodics
- Zurich
- Dublin Airport Authority
- Xperi
- Department of Defense
- Galway Technology Centre
- Galway Chamber
- Siren
- Utah Department Store
- Health Service Executive (HSE)
- HC Financial
- Avaya
- Irish Prison Service
- Tusla Child and Family Agency
- Met Éireann
- National University of Ireland
- An Post
- Marine Institute
- Various Irish Government Departments
See what our community of leaders and managers say about Ger & Talent Fusion:
''...Good morning, Ger; I am very well, thanks to you. Sorry for the morning phone, I sent that message, and it showed me that it was sent. I am not sure what happen, I apologize if I kept you stressed, not knowing the result of the presentation, I had no intention. You were the first person I contacted, and I regret that I did not call you personally. I really appreciate all your help; you are a dedicated, professional and wonderful person. You have all my respect and appreciation. The success of the presentation was entirely due to you. I will remember everything I have learned from you, and I will try to apply it. See you around. Regards...''
Daniela (Team Leader, Nordson Medical - October 2023)
''...Hi Ger, just a quick text to let you know I was successful in the competition and am now promoted! I would again like to thank you sincerely for your help and guidance during the process. I certainly would not have been successful without your input. Kind Regards...''
Diarmaid (An Garda Síochána – June 2022)
''...Talent Fusion is a service and professionalism on a different level. Thankfully I found Mr Ger Colleran, Director of Talent Fusion On-Line. I met Ger in early January 2022 and three months later I am finally happy, excited and optimistic for the future. I have transitioned work sectors which I wanted to do for quite some time. The meticulous attention to detail I received from Ger was second to none. His observations, skillset and in-depth knowledge of various work sectors is indispensable. Ger is an amazing individual who listens so attentively to “YOU”. You feel totally at ease to express yourself and your concerns. Ger has not only provided me with the skills and proficiencies to excel within the industry and he has also restored my confidence and self-belief. For anybody reading my testimonial who are unhappy, unsure or fearful of what direction or path to take in life, I can eminently recommend Ger Colleran and Talent Fusion to assist and guide you in finding your “ideal” and or “dream” job. It is a journey with work to do, however, in the end you will get there. If I can offer one more piece of advice it would be; “to feel the fear and do it anyway”. I can now safely say that without the help, assistance and guidance I received from Ger, I would still be in the lonely, unhappy workplace that I was in for so long. Go for it and just do it, you will not regret it...''
Sharon (HSE – May 2022)
''...Hi Ger. Just wanted to let you know that my website has gone live today. As you’ll see when you look at it, we incorporated nearly all of the suggestions you made the last time we met. Thanks again for all your help and getting me motivated to do it...''
Brendan (Irish Prison Service - December 2020)
''...Hi Ger, firstly I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you for all your very kind help and advice and for making me feel that I am still capable, after all these years, of being able to re-enter the job market and be worth something to an employer. Thank you. After all of our together, I now get loads of job alerts each day so keep on top of that and as you say, out of all the millions on ‘no’s’ it’s just 1 ‘yes’ that I am aiming for! Thanks again Ger and I will keep in touch. Kind regards…''
Simone (Department of Education - August 2020)
''...Hi Ger, I’m so happy, the PP Presentation went very well on Zoom. The feedback was unbelievable from my boss, my team and the clients (over 50 of them were tuned in). What we covered re; the opening, closing, transitions and most importantly how I spoke i.e. voice, inflection, pausing, pace were all commented on, it was surreal! I feel I made a career status statement today. Thanks so much Ger…''
Emma (Boston Scientific - June 2020)
''...Hi Ger, I have made my choice and I am applying to the ICPPD college in Galway, thank you for all your help, I don’t feel the need to have another appointment with you as I have made my decision, I really valued your opinion and appreciated all your help, all the best...''
Lisa (HSE - May 2019)
''...Ger, I only picked up your message now, somehow I totally missed it, so my apologies. Fiona did really well, presentation style & content were spot on and management team were impressed. Thanks for doing a great job with her. At 25 years of age, to be able to deliver a 30 minute presentation to people much senior & older than her is fantastic. Your expert training & guidance was invaluable. Thanks again. Best Regards...''
Kevin (Educational Training Board - October 2019)
''...Hi Ger, I just want to thank you for your guidance and support in the last two sessions. I feel better adapted to make plans for the future and I want to thank you for your patience. I will continue to recommend you to friends and colleagues…''
Jen (Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage - February 2019)
''...Hi Ger, I have to apologise I didn’t see this until now – I was actually out of the office for a few days and just catching up on emails. Thank you so much for all the help too – I provided Sandra with some feedback. Personally, I felt the sessions really helped me – to look at my career but also the bigger picture in terms of grasping opportunities. Hopefully see you at a toastmaster event when it starts again in the Autumn time as this is something I would love to participate in. Kind Regards – Helen...''
Helen (Creganna - June 2018)
''...Ger, Thank you for the great chat yesterday. I really got a lot out of it and I appreciate your approachability, common-sense approach, roundedness, kindness, encouragement, information and new ideas! Just a little note to say I’ve applied for BioExel and got through to the next round. There’s a presentation on Tuesday. Thanks for putting me in touch with Sandra. This and my existing freelance and cinema work have filled up the last two months to the point where a lot of the other homework you gave me is on hold for the moment. Am winding up the cinema job and will look properly at your suggestions then. Hope all is well with you. Thanks again for everything...''
Niamh (BioExel - October 2018)
''...I was fortunate to have connected with Ger as soon as my severance agreement was getting finalised with my previous employer Gartner early in the New Year. Ger demonstrated strong empathy and sensitivity in working with me in the early day. I used Ger extensively to structure my plan and prioritise my daily job searching. Ger assisted me extensively in ensuring I customised CV and Executive summary and most importantly I worked my internal network along with selected recruiters. Within 5 weeks I was at final interview panel stage with an employment target. The help and support Ger gave me at presentation stage and messaging was incredibly valuable. Often I would use Ger as a sounding board also. Ger is a really practical guy and cuts through complex-ability like the support I received with my exit statement and general talk track to future employers. I was fortunate to secure my next successful role within just over 3 months with HP Enterprise. This is great for Senior placements that sometimes take between 6 -9 months. This was achieved thanks to Connor’s support. I have would have no hesitation recommending Connor Service’s and the excellent support from Ger Colleran in future...'''
Paul (Gartner - April 2018)
''...Hi Ger, Hope this finds you well! I wanted to let you know I finally received my letter of offer from Decawave yesterday & I start on Monday! They were waiting on funding to come through before they could have me on board. I just want to say thanks so much for all your help, couldn’t have done it without you. Your feedback & reassurance as well as your knowledge every step of the way was really invaluable & appreciated! Thanks again & hopefully we’ll meet up again in happier circumstances! All the very best...''
Joe (HSE - September 2017)
Contact Us
Contact Ger @ Contact me for a specific, tailored package to help and enhance your Leaders' leadership skills and your Managers' management skills for the betterment of your Department / Organization that will suit your needs, time and budget...