Return to Work after Accident, Illness or Disability

Income Protection
If you are in receipt of Income Protection Payments because you can no longer carry out the duties and expectations of your previous occupation, Talent Fusion can consult with and help you Return to Work (RTW), through your Income Protection Provider.
We have / are consulting with all of the major Income Protection Insurance organisations in Ireland helping their Income Protection Claimants RTW and Education.
We help you identify, source and secure a job that you love and enjoy and we do this as follows, through consultations:
- RTW to current role with your most recent employer or previous employer
- RTW in a different role with your most recent employer or previous employer
- RTW to your current role with a different employer
- RTW to a different role with a different employer
- Identify your ideal, realistic job / career
- Help you identify a new training course to return to school to upskill, re-train, re-educate that will secure you future employment
- Help you apply for jobs through tailored CL’s, CV’s, TL’s, completing Competency-based Application Forms and Generic CV’s
- Develop your LinkedIn Profiles
- Show you how to Job-hunt efficiently and effectively
- Help you prepare for Competency-based Interviews
- Help you prepare for General Interviews
- Help you prepare for Video Interviews i.e., Zoom/MS Teams/Google Meet
- Help you prepare for a Presentation as part of an Interview
- Help you with On-boarding
- Help you set up their own business (must have viable idea and be entrepreneurial)
Let us:
- Meet you to review where you have been, where you are now and where you want to be through a 1 : 1 In-person, open and frank discussion
- Identify your transferable skills, talents, competencies, abilities
- Share with you what types of jobs / employment opportunities are out there and would suit you
- Open up your mind to and instil a new sense of opportunity, purpose and optimism in your life
- Help you return to school and learn a new skill
- Show you how to test the jobs market, apply for jobs, attend an interview
- Build your confidence and address anxiety / uncertainty
- Reassure, encourage and support you
- Ultimately, increase your income
- Enhance your lifestyle