“Onboarding” refers to the processes in which new recruits or promoted employees need / would like support, guidance and help as they transition into their new roles. For new recruits (often called induction), it can include activities that allow them complete an initial orientation process, as well as learning about the organization and its structure, culture, vision, mission and values. Onboarding is a comprehensive, yet helpful process involving management and other employees and can last a number of weeks / months. For promoted employees it can include activities that help them with their new-found responsibilities, often I involving managing / leading people, where communication, management and leadership skills are paramount. All new / promoted employees are onboarded in some shape or form, directly or indirectly, formally or informally, but the design, structure and quality of the On-boarding can make the difference. It is a lot more than handing them instruction manuals of SOP’s and having a Supervisor, HR or a Manager walk them around the organisation or show them their new office and telling them who is who in a casual way. However, when On-boarding is professional, design and part of the organisation’s culture, it can be foundational for long-term success for the new recruit, promoted employee and indeed the organisation.
Benefits of On-Boarding
- Improve productivity
- Build loyalty
- More engaged employees
- Helps employees become successful in their careers with the new organization
- Free up managers and workers to do other things
On-Boarding for New Recruits
- Nurture their talents, skills and competencies
- Ensure compliance with the organisations’’ vision, mission, goals, philosophy and objectives
- Help them ‘fit-in’ quicker
- Much faster Return On Investment (ROI)
- Gets up to speed on organization’s way of working, its culture, surroundings, products, services, departments, teams, customer, clients
- Understand the expectations of their manager and team
- Cultivate early workplace relationships
- Know the organisations’ hierarchy and who’s who in the organisation
- Develop trust and collaboration
- Reduce attrition rates
- Help them build a career in the organisation, not just do a job
- Understand how they are being measured
On-boarding for Promoted Employees
- Nurture their natural talents, skills and competencies to carry out this new role
- Identify new skills and competencies that they have to work on and develop to be successful
- Help them ‘fit-in’ to their new role
- Much faster Return On Investment (ROI)
- Understand the expectations of their manager and team
- Cultivate new workplace relationships and networks
- Help them build a career in the organisation, not just do a job
- Reduce attrition rates
- Know how they are being measured in this new role
- Identify, discuss and address specific challenges / concerns early
- Set realistic measurable goals and objectives
- 1 : 1:
- 3 to 5 sessions of 1.5-2.5 hours each per week, over 3 to 5 weeks, completely confidentially
- 6 – 12 months on-going support
- Please Contact Ger for a tailored proposal @ Contact us